When it comes to your automobile, making sure that you are on top of your vehicle's maintenance isn't always solely for your safety and the quality of your car. Driving with specific car problems can actually land you a pricey ticket, and probably cost you about as much as it would have to get the issue fixed in the first place.
While most of us are aware of the types of traffic violations that can get us in trouble, such as making an illegal turn, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and more, not everyone can detect mechanical violations.
Here are some mechanic problems that can land you a ticket if they aren't fixed:
- A broken tail light, headlight, or turn signal
- Having illegal window tinting
- Missing or expired license plate
- Driving with an expired registration sticker
- Driving with a cracked or damaged windshield (depending on local laws and severity)
- Driving with broken mirrors
- Too loud of an exhaust system (damaged muffler)
- Using high beams inappropriately
- Hazardous cargo items that are not secured properly
The majority of this list are quick fixes, which makes you wonder why anybody would put these repairs off. If you suspect you have an equipment issue with your vehicle that could land you a ticket, be sure to give our team a call here at Premier Automotive Services today. We will ensure that your vehicle is safe and legal to be on the road!