Many vehicle owners are keen about keeping the exterior of their vehicle clean. You may drive through a car wash every now and again, or are one of those vehicle owner's who hand washes their vehicle to perfection at least once a week. However, how often are you actually disinfecting the inside of your vehicle?
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, bacteria and other germs are found in cars in many high touch areas, such as the steering wheel, gear shifter, cup holders, window switches and door handles. You can bring in germs into your car from a number of places, and its in your best interest to disinfect your vehicle regularly to protect yourself from illness.
Here are some of our tips on ways to thoroughly disinfect your vehicle:
- Clean your steering wheel - use a car-approved disinfecting wipe or microfiber rag and solution to wipe down your steering wheel regularly.
- Disinfect the cup holder - a cup holder can accumulate a bunch of bacteria and dirt over time, and the crevices in the cup holder can be hard to get to the bottom to. Try using cotton swabs for the hard to reach areas or if you have a removable cup holder, bring it inside and throw it in the dish washer for a thorough clean.
- Plastic parts in your vehicle can be cleaned with a standard all-purpose cleaning solution. Be sure to wipe down your door handles on the inside as well as the power window controls and locks.
- Never leave food in your vehicle an extended period of time, especially not as trash. Avoid leaving empty cups, cans, water bottles, etc. as well. Water bottles that aren't BPA free can release harmful toxics when heated and bacteria can begin to grow on old food or drinks.
- Carry hand sanitizer and wipes in your glove box for easy cleaning and disinfecting.
A clean car can keep you safe from germs, but also helps protect your vehicle's overall resell value over the years. Protect your vehicle investment and take care of your car, inside and out. Be sure to stay on top of your maintenance, too! The experts here at Premier Automotive Services are here to help with all of your vehicle's auto maintenance needs. Give us a call if your vehicle is due for service or stop by our shop today!