Many people ask "what are the benefits of a radiator flush?". A radiator flush usually takes care of three things. First, it takes care of internal dirt and clogging that forms at the rear drain pipes of your cooling system. Second, it takes care of corrosion deposits that build upon the pipes leading to your radiator. Lastly, it takes care of any excess water build-up that can damage the radiator. By taking care of these three things, you will extend the life and usefulness of your radiator and cooling system.
Internal dirt and clogging occur when the metal starts to form inside the pipe where it meets the engine block. As time passes and you use your car more, rust and dirt become trapped in these areas. When you take care of this, you help keep your radiator from overheating and burning up while you are driving your vehicle. This helps to extend the life of your radiator as well as your engine.
Another benefit of having your radiator flushed is that you will prevent corrosion from occurring to the moving parts of your cooling system. In many instances, metal and plastic moving parts, such as hoses and gaskets, can be completely corroded if they are not properly maintained. By having your cooling system checked and serviced regularly, you are ensuring that the moving parts are working properly and keeping your engine and transmission from experiencing problems. While you will always have maintenance performed on the engine itself, oftentimes there is more stress on the various moving parts of the cooling system and therefore need to be addressed.
A final benefit of having your engine flushed is that you will remove rust buildup. While you may never notice the buildup, but cars that have been sitting for long periods of time develop a layer of rust on the engine that is visible when you lift up the hood. This rust, if allowed to continue to build up, can damage the engine beyond repair. In addition, leaving this rust alone can cause significant damage to your engine. Having a professional service your car with a radiator flush, as well as flushing the oil under your car, will remove the rust that has built up, as well as helping the engine cool down much more efficiently and quickly.
If you need a radiator flush, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our auto repair shop today!