Posted on 9/8/2021

When it comes to your automobile, making sure that you are on top of your vehicle's maintenance isn't always solely for your safety and the quality of your car. Driving with specific car problems can actually land you a pricey ticket, and probably cost you about as much as it would have to get the issue fixed in the first place. While most of us are aware of the types of traffic violations that can get us in trouble, such as making an illegal turn, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and more, not everyone can detect mechanical violations. Here are some mechanic problems that can land you a ticket if they aren't fixed: A broken tail light, headlight, or turn signal Having illegal window tinting Missing or expired license plate Driving with an expired registration sticker Driving with a cracked or damaged windshield (depending on local laws and severity) Driving with broken mirrors Too loud of an exhaust system (damaged muffler) Using high b ... read more
Posted on 8/5/2021

Most motorists are aware whenever they need their tires replaced, or oil changed. However, the power steering fluid is often overlooked or sometimes unknown altogether. The power steering fluid is a pressure-driven fluid that drives the steering system. Similar to your other liquids, you should regularly swap out your power steering fluid. Though it may not need to be replaced as often as motor oil, it can still get contaminated, with dirt and grime, over time. When the power steering fluid gets nasty, it adds tension and stress to the power steering pump. In some cases, it can lead to the failure of the entire steering system. Signs That It's Time to Have a Power Steering Fluid Replacement DARK FLUID After starting your car for several minutes, open the hood of your vehicle and remove the dipstick. The color of your power steering fluid should be bright red, and the liquid should be clear of debris. If you notice that the solution is dark, grimy, or has a burnt smell, t ... read more
Posted on 7/4/2021

Now that it is July, most of us are hitting the road for summer road trips. The worst part about road trips (other than the long car ride itself) is packing. Everyone dreads it, and they often procrastinate as a result. Procrastination then leads to overpacking, and the next thing you know, you are trying to play Tetris with your luggage. There's a real art to safely and efficiently packing your vehicle, and we are here to tell you how! Here are our top tips on how to pack your car: First, Clean Out Your Car Before any car trip starts, it's crucial to clean out your vehicle. The cleaning entails removing everything from the cabin and trunk that you don't need for the journey, such as your recyclable grocery bags, clunky equipment, or kids' toys. Get Started the Night Before We recommend packing the car the night before the trip or as early as possible. That way, you can start the journey off stress-free to ensure you are in a good mood ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2021

Has the time come for new tires? When deciding if you need new tires, tread wear is the strongest indicator to look at. Our team of professionals is without exception here to examine your tires to determine whether or not a new set of wheels is the right option for you and your vehicle. Tread wear is an essential indication of your tire’s health and ensuring your safety. If your tire tread is worn out, then your vehicle can respond poorly in wet weather conditions. You will need good treads to ensure that your wheels are gripping the surface of the road appropriately. Overworn tracks can also lead to premature wear on other parts of the car. Penny/Lincoln Test Fortunately, there is a very straightforward and easy test to run right at home, and it all begins with a penny. Simply position the penny on the grooves of your tire, and if the tread hides any part of Lincoln’s head, your tires are in good shape. If not, your tires are ... read more
Posted on 5/17/2021
Many people ask "what are the benefits of a radiator flush?". A radiator flush usually takes care of three things. First, it takes care of internal dirt and clogging that forms at the rear drain pipes of your cooling system. Second, it takes care of corrosion deposits that build upon the pipes leading to your radiator. Lastly, it takes care of any excess water build-up that can damage the radiator. By taking care of these three things, you will extend the life and usefulness of your radiator and cooling system. Internal dirt and clogging occur when the metal starts to form inside the pipe where it meets the engine block. As time passes and you use your car more, rust and dirt become trapped in these areas. When you take care of this, you help keep your radiator from overheating and burning up while you are driving your vehicle. This helps to extend the life of your radiator as well as your engine. Another benefit of having your radiator flushed is that you will prevent corr ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2021
What is 30/60/90K Vehicle Maintenance? You probably have heard the term 30/60/90K Vehicle Maintenance when buying a new car. The name comes from the general maintenance schedule of any vehicle where maintenance is required every 30,000 miles. Therefore, these numbers denote the number of miles at which the maintenance must be done. However, the actual miles may vary from one model to another and depending on its build. Why Is It Important To Keep With the Maintenance Schedule? You should honor the maintenance schedule for the following reasons: • Your manufacturer warranty is dependent on it. Most manufacturers do not honor the warranty if you do not follow the scheduled maintenance program. • Regular maintenance may help save you thousands in repair costs as the vehicle does not get to the point of breaking down. • It extends the value of the vehicle. The reason is that the vehicle runs optimally for longer when it is well-maintai ... read more
Posted on 3/12/2021
If your vehicle's engine has been misfiring, or your car's generally been running rough, the timing chain could be to blame. It's important to pay attention to the sounds your car makes on a day-to-day basis. As with our health, preventative care is key to a safe, smooth running car. If you're unsure where to start, check your vehicle's maintenance guide, or take it to a qualified mechanic for an inspection. Below, we'll cover the signs that your timing chain may be malfunctioning, or need to be replaced altogether. Oil changes should be performed anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000-7500 miles, depending on your vehicle. If the mechanic changing your oil notices metal pieces in your old oil, you may be looking at a timing chain issue. Metal shavings in your oil are a telltale sign that your timing chain is starting to fail, and and that there is some serious wear on your cylinder hardware. Although it may be easy to dismiss an extra add-on's during an oil change ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2021
You might not see them, but the shock absorbers in your car are likely your best friend. If you don't believe that statement, just try going over a bumpy road without properly working shock absorbers. Your back would almost certainly be screaming at you for days after that. Because of this, you will want to make sure you replace these essential parts when they have exceeded their life expectancy. With that in mind, you might be wondering how long shock absorbers are designed to last in the first place. The Answer Several factors determine how long your shock absorbers will last. It depends on how often you drive, over what type of terrain, and the quality of the parts that you have installed in the first place. This is why a mechanic would be hard-pressed to tell you exactly how long your shock absorbers will last you. If you keep your shock absorbers adequately maintained and ensure that fluid does not leak out of them, most manufacturers estimate that they will last you for roug ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2021
When it comes to vehicle components, your tires rank pretty high. You can't get where you're going without strong, durable tires, which means you need to prioritize tire maintenance and an eventual replacement as required. While the cost of getting all new tires may give you a bit of sticker shock, one of the best ways to prolong the life of your tires is to commit to routine tire rotation and balancing. This is true for both new cars and older models. So, the first thing to ask yourself is how long has it been since your last tire rotation and balancing service? Tire specialists and auto manufacturers recommend rotating and balancing tires with every seven thousand miles give or take. This number may vary slightly based on the size of your vehicle and its tires. Next, it's important to understand what these two services accomplish and how they differ. Tire rotation is when the mechanic takes the wheels off and replaces them front to back and right side to left side. Thi ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2020

A catalytic converter is an integral component of the cars exhaust system. It filters out toxic emissions from the engine, thus alleviating harmful environmental contamination. If you pay enough attention to your car's servicing and maintenance needs, you may never have to replace your cat. But in other cases, a converter can get damaged, which affects its longevity and performance. Suffice to say; almost all catalytic convertor problems emanate from engine failures including imbalanced air-fuel mixture, damaged oxygen sensors and bad spark plugs. If left unattended, these problems can rapidly escalate to overheating, clogging, and physical deterioration of the cat. So, what are the Symptoms of a Bad Catalytic Converter? Check the Dashboard Light A flashing light illuminating at the dashboard signifies a damaged or failing, catalytic converter. Modern cars have several oxygen sensors or actuators which monitor the exhaust gas levels and alert you in case of clog ... read more