Posted on 10/16/2016

When searching for an auto mechanic, it can be tough to know what exactly to look for. Word-of-mouth isn’t as easy to come by as it used to be, and there is so much information on the internet that it’s difficult to know how to weed through search results and reviews for nearby auto shops. You may see extensive certifications and badges that seem to indicate a level of trustworthiness, but what do they really mean? One of the most prevalent identifiers you may BBB Ratingsee when it comes to businesses is the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Rating. It’s almost so common that you may overlook this badge, but it’s worth pausing to consider just how helpful that insight can be as a consumer. The Better Business Bureau has been around 1912 and essentially serves as a unbiased organization to improve marketplace trust. They offer a rating scale from A+ to F that grades business based on seve ... read more
Posted on 8/15/2016

Struts, shock absorbers, and suspension are really unsung heroes of our cars. When you take a turn, they stabilize you. When driving down the road, they keep the car handling well. Even when driving over rail-road tracks, they reduce the bumps you experience. These may seem like trivial tasks, but when it comes down to it, shocks, struts, and suspension are what make your car drivable. They reduce any shocks your car receives and you may experience. Without them there would be little to no way to actually direct your car. Without them, your car would not be able to get from point A to point B without at best swaying like a carnival ride and that is the best case scenario. At worst, your car would be just a fixture in your driveway, completely unusable. When was the last time you had the suspension checked? There are a few ways to tell if it is time to have a professional take a look. Have you: Noticed shakiness while operating your v ... read more
Posted on 7/14/2016

Regular oil changes is a essential form of maintenance for every vehicle. There is a large risk of damage to important equipment including the engine if the oil is not changed properly or not often enough. Here are four reasons for changing the oil in your vehicle: 1. Engine Performance The motor oil keeps the engine running smoothly. Without it, friction will build up and cause wear and tear on parts in the engine until it eventually breaks down. The oil acts as a lubricant as well as a way to absorb excess heat in order to keep the engine cool. Changing the oil is a great way to maintain engine performance. 2. Prevent Oil Buildup Oil in the engine begins to break down over time which creates a sludge as the oil starts to solidify. Replacing the oil on a regular schedule prevents the sludge from building up. If the oil is replaced often, the sludge can caus ... read more
Posted on 4/15/2016

The very idea of a nun getting drunk and crashing a car might seem ridiculous, but that’s what prosecutors say happened to Sister Kimberley Miller of Philadelphia in November of 2015. The nun disagrees, blaming the prescription drug Ambien for the perilous drive that ended when her car crashed into an auto shop. Sister Kimberley was not injured in the accident. Nor did she realize she had been arrested until she came to and discovered that her hands were cuffed. She became very upset at that point, never having been arrested before, and insisted that the Ambien had made her act out in her sleep. Witnesses back up the nun’s sleepwalking claim. They have seen her leave her residence before, only to “wake up” when she tripped an alarm. Sister Kimberley also admitted to drinking two glasses of altar wine earlier in the evening, then taking Ambien at bedtime because of her insomnia. It’s possible that her sleepwalking condition mad ... read more
Posted on 2/4/2016

Oil changes and brake check ups are necessary elements of regular vehicle maintenance, but equally as important is caring for your tires. Tire rotation allows your tires to wear at a more even rate to keep you from having to replace them quicker than is necessary. To help you remember to include tire rotation as part of your regular maintenance plan, we walk through the benefits to performance and safety here. Your tires sustain wear at different rates depending on their location on your vehicle. Your driving style and the configuration of your car largely determine which tires wear down faster, but tires that are responsible for acceleration and steering are likely to first show signs of wear. Driving on tires that all have a similar, safe amount of tread is important in order to avoid being surprised by tires that do not properly respond to your inputs on the controls. Rotating Tires Regularly By rotating your tires to a ... read more